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Dear Beloved,


We are glad and thankful for your desire to partner with what God is doing through the
Hallelujah Challenge. In a bid to ensure accountability and transparency concerning
your giving, we would like to state that the proceeds from the Hallelujah Challenge will
be directed towards the following:
1. Running the Challenge which includes but is not limited to; renting space, purchase
and maintenance of musical and media equipment, feeding of the team, purchase of
data for streaming and occasional gifting of free data to Hallelujah Challenge followers
that may need data support.

2. Engaging in Christ-centred corporate social responsibility to provide welfare to
indigents and the sick, and engage in other societal social projects, in line with the scriptural injunction to ‘do good to all men’.

3. Supporting kingdom creatives and platforms that contribute to the growth of praise
and worship in the kingdom.

4. Giving honorarium to the team which includes the Hallelujah Challenge crew, media
team, prayer facilitators, and guest ministers (music and word). This honorarium is
exclusive to Pastor Nathaniel Bassey.


Please note that The Hallelujah Challenge does not receive Tithes as they belong to the local church in which you are planted.


By making donations to the Hallelujah Challenge (through the registered entity - Hallelujah Challenge Gospel Music Initiative), you are undertaking that you have read and understood the above and that you are making any donation voluntarily from your lawful income without any compulsion or solicitation from Pastor Nathaniel Bassey or any other person associated with the Hallelujah Challenge.


Please note that we do not solicit funds privately, via social media DMs or through agents or third parties.

Do you want to give to the Hallelujah Challenge? Find helpful information below.

Please note that we do not solicit funds privately, via social media DMs or through agents or third parties. 

Want to partnerwith us?

Complete the form, to download giving details.

Thank you for your desire to give to Hallelujah Challenge. Account details (for bank transfers or deposits) can be found in the link below


You can give through Flutterwave

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