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Finding Peace and Blessings Through the Hallelujah Challenge

Chronicles Advisory

Good morning,I am reaching out to share my hallelujah challenge testimony. I’m grateful for the hallelujah challenge because it has helped me be able to pray to God better & realize things in my life I needed to work on that were hindering me from reaching my full potential. There was a strange patten in my life where I only had jobs for 3 months. During one of the hallelujah challenges, I prayed against that & God blessed me with jobs that exceeded that timeline. During the 7 days hallelujah challenge 2024, I was heartbroken, stressed, unable to sleep properly, had severe headaches and worried about my goals which made me reluctant to join the challenge. On the 1st day I was fighting these thoughts in my mind. I had to force myself to dance & praise God even in my uncertainty. I want to thank God because on the last day of the hallelujah challenge, I was a little happier than I have been in a very long time and able to fall asleep. I prayed to God using past hallelujah challenge recordings and I got my driver’s license in 2022. On the last day of the recent challenge, I got my car which is something I’ve been trust God for. This is my Jesus Iye moment. I look forward to all the things God will do in my life.


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