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I Overcame PCOS Through the Hallelujah Challenge

Chronicles Advisory

This God is still in the business of performing miracles.

I have PCOS and I’ve known since I was in SS2, I’ve been managing the situation with pills and trying my best. Some months, I see my period, other months I don’t. I am married now and I’ve been waiting for my period so I can track my ovulation but since Feb 12th of this year, I’ve been bleeding EVERYDAY! Wearing both tampax and pads together until the FIRST DAY of this Hallelujah Challenge. Just before I closed from work, I stepped out and looked at the heavens and said “Lord, this challenge is for me. Give me a word”. I got home tired but I tuned it, dancing while making dinner and doing other things. Immediately I sat down to concentrate, Pastor Nathaniel mentioned the case of PCOS, I claimed it immediately. That was not all, he said “You are on a red dress”. I was in a red attire and I knew that was my word. I held my husband and we claimed it together. He was also putting on red. I stood up immediately and went to remove my tampons. I said “I am healed”. From that day, till this 7th day!!! The bleeding stopped! I decided to wait till the 7th day and I know I’m healed. I will be back with my testimony when my children come because I know I’m healed.


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