I and my Husband live in the UK and I came to join him exactly a month ago. We started following the hallelujah challenge from the first day. On Sunday (2 Jun 24), when we heard and danced to the 'water to wine' message, we dressed according to our testimony: I borrowed my husband's suit and his shoes and dressed for a job; my husband picked a paper and wrote a cheque addressed to our names in thousands of pounds, signed by God (A.K.A Jehovah Jireh/Jehovah Elshaddai). The next day, I got a message inviting me to for an interview the following day. Funnily, I can't even remember how and when I applied for the job but they told me they saw my CV and are impressed. Today I had the interview. Even though I was a bit nervous and feel I didn't really perform as expected, they called me back in less than 3 hours to tell me congratulations and that I should come to their office tomorrow with a pen and notepad to receive more information about the role. In the evening, my husband came back and showed me a message where he was invited to a company to see round and introduce himself. The person who recommended him is a manager in the company and has told the hiring team repeatedly that he can put his job on the line vouching for my husband's commitment and ability to thrive on the job. Coincidentally, our workplace isn't up to 5 minutes apart and is within trekking distance from our home. We give God all the glory and we believe God will fulfil the other part of our request: my husband has been checking his phone for alert expecting what we have already thanked God for. We thank God for this opportunity through the hallelujah challenge!
Best regards,